Monday, June 20, 2011

~*Chibi Cyren*~

Dear Diary,
Today i would like to express how happy I am b'cause I can make my own vector. My very first mascott Chibi Cyren. It's not easy, rather it took almost 7 hours to finish it, only for the head part. I know maybe for advance illustrator only need 1-2 hours or less to make something like that. But hey! I don't care about that! For an amateur, i think i did good enough.

Below is the progress i made.. step by step until the final result. Due to some issue with copyright, I use watermark, so no more mr copycat!

The first time touching pen tools in AI... so confusing (~__~)a
I wasn't satisfied with the hair, so i made a few adjustment...
Adding some cute accesoris, coloring the hair, it's almost finished!

Special thanks to Indra, the one who keep teaching me the basics, and continuously giving comments and critics.

ps: Again, I'm sorry if the watermarks are annoying... but i did that b'cause I don't want my vector to end up in some t-shirt's cover in mangga dua (-___-)a


Kimmy said...

kalo vektor biarpun dikasih watermark bs dengan gampang di trace ulang yun :)
but u did a good job ^^ bgs kok.